🌊 **Water Bending Arts**
Specializes in maneuverability in and on the water.
Oceans are perfect for Waterbenders.
By default, techniques range from freezing over lakes, manipulating water to do damage, creating waves and torrents, and much more.
A mixture of defensive and offensive abilities.
Opens up possibilities in bodies of water that are otherwise closed to the other disciplines.
Comes with Bloodbending, Healing, Icebending, and Plantbending subelements.
**Basic Waterbending Abilities:**
🌊 **Water Manipulation**: The most basic water bending ability, allowing the water bender to control and manipulate water.
🌊 **Water Blast**: A ranged attack that shoots a stream of water at the target.
🌊 **Water Whip**: Creates a whip of water that can be used to attack or grab enemies.
🌊 **Water Shield**: A defensive ability that creates a shield of water around the waterbender.
🌊 **Water Spout**: A mobility ability that allows the waterbender to create a spout of water and propel themselves through the air.
**Advanced Waterbending Abilities:**
🩸 **Bloodbending**: A powerful and controversial ability that allows the waterbender to control the blood of others.
🧊 **Icebending**: A sub-bending of waterbending that allows the waterbender to create and manipulate ice.
🌊 **Healing Water**: A healing ability that allows the waterbender to restore health to themselves or others.
🌊 **Water Torrent**: A powerful attack that creates a massive wave of water.
**Combo Abilities:**
**Waterbenders can combine different abilities to create powerful combos, such as Water Whip + Water Blast or Water Shield + Water Torrent.**